
How do you find the right garment when giving fashion as a present?

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Choosing a gift can be a complicated task, so in order to carry it out successfully you need to know the person. If you choose to give clothes as a present, that knowledge must be even greater in order to be able to find the perfect garment.

Giving fashion as a present, an option for any time of year.

Giving fashion as a present is a great option for any special date:

birthdays, anniversaries or holidays like Christmas are ideal times to choose this type of gift.

Clothing is a very personal thing, since it defines the style of each person; if you decide on this gift you’re showing the closeness you share with that person. Without a doubt, a synonym for a healthy and trusting relationship.

But like with any gift, it’s important to get it right, so here’s some tips you can follow to find the right garment.


The first thing you need to know is the style of the person you’re going to give the garment to. There are many options but if it’s someone close to you, you’ll know the colours they like best and whether they like patterned or plain clothes. You also have to keep in mind the activities they do, so the garment you give them is functional.


This is one of the most complex points when it comes to giving a garment as a present. Having previous experience, such as an afternoon of shopping with that person, will go a long way. But don’t focus just on size, remember to look at the type of pattern they usually use. Whether they wear fitted or loose clothing is a relevant factor.


Remember that you’re not shopping for yourself. Sometimes you’ll be inclined to think whether you’d buy it for yourself, but this isn’t the case here. Always think about the person you’re buying it for and forget about “I’d wear it.” This kind of sentence can lead you to buy something that’s more for you than for the person who’s going to receive it.


You have various options when choosing one type of garment or another: t-shirts, trousers, dresses, or perhaps lingerie. If you don’t want to take excessive risks, upper garments or accessories such as scarves or gloves can be a great option. On the other hand, underwear is your choice if you want something more risqué. 


When you give a present, your goal is that it lasts over time; in the case of clothing, it’s important to choose quality in order to achieve this. When you go to choose, be sure to select garments that have good materials and finishes so they last.

As you can see, giving clothes as a present can be a simple task that shows how well you know a person. By following these tips, you’re sure to get it right.

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